not sure if any of you saw this post in the Apache WM6 CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2) thread but it looks like a couple ppl had success after enabling Blutetooth.
Originally Posted by twister36
I at first couldn't connect to my home network running WPA/TKIP. But after reading the below I tried to activate Bluetooth, and magically my network connected... However anyone know how to get WPA2 on the Sprint PPC-6700? I can't connect to my works network without WPA2/AES.
Originally Posted by magyoi
mdphoenix.. i tried that 1.02 version as well and had the same problem.. so i downloaded the OTHER verizon version and it worked fine IN vista.. took about 7 mins or so and a 2nd hard reset.. but since then .. the rom worked with only one flaw.. every once and a while I have to enable Bluetooth to get wifi to connect.. but im going to try to upgrade the radio version to the latest one in the forums (im using 1.10.00 right now).
Try downloading the other verizon version (non 1.02 bootloader). It worked great for me.