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Old 04-12-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: ....RSTG Custom Rom -=- Rhodium_v1D v3.R1d.15 FuzeBerry II 4/12/09

Hey guys

Sorry to sound like a total noob, I see alot of talk about Radio,
I have a sprint touch pro that I got a few weeks ago,
I unlocked the phone, and have flashed it with almost all the cool roms in this forum.

My question is, what is this Radio I read about it everywhere, but no one explains,
is it an actual radio for FM reception, if so I dont see anything in the roms for tuning FM
Is it some sort of radio for wifi, or ?

can someone please explain, sorry to sound like such a reet.


Last edited by lionedas; 04-12-2009 at 12:41 PM.
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