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Old 04-12-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: ....RSTG Custom Rom -=- Rhodium_v1D v3.R1d.14 FuzeBerry II 4/8/09

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
I put .14 on my phone yesterday and so far I love it. I'll upgrade to .15 today - with this new build did you take out the Diamond Config tool and the FM app? Also, I love how when you change the wallpaper it does it on all the tabs, and the clock is transparent. How can I keep these aspects but change the theme from Fuzeberry to the stock theme?
I did remove the TF3D config tool, and removed the registry entry for the FM Radio for the Program launcher. The others, I'm sure there is a .cab for the clock, and install xbmod's cab for the original theme. But if you go back to the original theme, it will kill alot of my customizations.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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