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Old 04-12-2009, 04:23 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
you probably missed it...

the link i provided says at the top "GSM Radios for Raphael", and they don't have any "cdma" radios, so yeah

the device i'm using is an HTC Touch Pro that i am getting prepared to flash to cricket.

i used to have a Titan 6800, which i've sold to my aunt now.

yeah i was just asking to make double sure...

i'll give the telus the first chance then, then i'll see what's up.
my current stock radio is 1.03.15F, it's still on sprint.

on a sidenote...
ok so lets take some notes here. since this is the first time i'll flash an htc touch pro (the only other device i've flashed is a PPC6800 to cricket) to cricket... and i want everything to be working perfectly, what i need to do is.

Unlock: *got it
new bootloader: *i have a few, but don't know if i should use HardSPL 1.9 or .37 , different forums have different stuff
ROM: i think this mighty Rom is pretty highly regarded, so i'll use this one
carrier: ok, so you said i install that cricket cab and that should configure most of the stuff i assume??
PRL: i got these already.

so once i'm done with that, i should be able to text and call right?

then the only thing remaining would be to double check the internet and MMS work... i see most people use Arcsoft for MMS, but i see that the releases are carrier specific, and i haven't found a cricket MMS cab.

as for the internet, do i need to go into the EPST and set that up? or after running the cricket cab, that will be taken care of?
Use the .37. I personally use the new 1.11.00F radio because of faster DATA speed but Telus is good nonetheless.

Unlock, Run RUU, and done. Just make sure you hard reset(start > settings > system > clear storage) after you have succesfully flashed. Why? It is known to fix some minor glitching. Shall be done afterwards

Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
Hey cochoz....Won't he have to have it reprogrammed to telus? It's a sprint phone.
No, the telus radio works with Sprint. It is actually one of the best ones since battery life and signal are both good.

There are a lot of radios that can be use with HTC Touch Pro(CDMA. There's a thread over at XDA forums but I can't link you since I'm mobile and i'm not patient!

Last edited by Cochoz; 04-12-2009 at 06:20 AM.