Originally Posted by lelalouf
Awesome. Trying that now. Just waiting on reboot! Can I add any more active panels after these two or do I need to remove some of the others?
I'm not aware of any other GUID's that can be used for new panels without editing dll files, which I have absolutely no knowledge of doing. I can point you in the right direction if that's your thing though. You can add pages to the Launcher panel and rename it though, thus basically giving you 3 editable panels. You can make changes to the launcher panel in chome configurator (listed as clinks) without having to mess with GUID's and cpr files...it's ready to be altered as is.
Originally Posted by lelalouf
Cool it worked but it is showing text as settings not people.
Oh crap....I may have not changed the cpr file to reflect the actual name of the panel entered b/c I had planned on using mine for settings all along. Give me a few minutes and I'll take a look at my cpr files and I'll tell you exactly where to change it. Sorry about that.