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Old 04-11-2009, 10:15 PM
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Re: Can I go back to PIE?

Originally Posted by 713alan View Post
I had a Sprint 6800 which I lost so I "upgraded" to a Sprint Touch Pro still using Windows 6.1.

I am trying different custom ROMs. Internet Explorer 6 is poor. It take the screen that I would look at on a 19" monitor and shrinks it down to fit on a 2.5" screen. If that is not enough, It lets me zoom out to put it on a 1.5" screen. The guy who wrote it obviously collects postage stamps. It will not let me zoom in.

I tried Opera. When reading forums, you can zoom in. However, when you click a thread, you do read it, but going back takes you to the top of the page. You have to scroll down to find your place. PIE would take you back to your place in the forum, not the top of the page. When you change pages in a forum, Opera reverts to it's normal zoom setting so you have to reset the zoom for each page. PIE did not do that.

How do I replace IE6 with PIE?
I managed to get IE to behave like PIE with this:

"hklm\security\internet explorer\MSHTML=0"

You will need a registry editor on the phone to toggle it from 1 to 0

Once you try it, you'll love the version of IE you have again.. Or at least, I did. I prefer to surf forums in 1-column mode. Setting the above key to 0 lets me have that old PIE experience back.
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