So if you are part of the merger you cant get another Alltel phone you?? If you change your phone it has to be an Verizon phone doesnt it??? Unless your in a divested market , in that case you wont be Alltel much longer anyways.
But if you do have a choice and you dont mind Alltel ( their service sucked for me ) then get the Allel TP just for the extra RAM , HANDS DOWN.
The Omnia on the other hand is a very good phone also, had it for about 30 days and loved it. The only reason I went back to the Touch Pro is for the ROMs period. The keyboard on the TP is nice but I usually just end up using the compact T9 keypad on screen anyways , so I would not pick the TP over the Omnia just for the the physical keyboard.
In my comparisons the Touch Pro beats out the Omnia ,but just barely. They very different beasts and it's all a matter of opinion. I can tell you that as soon as one of my other 4 lines is eligable for upgrade I will be aquiring the Omnia again