Originally Posted by housinit
I don't seem to be having this issue with Beta 3, but did notice it in Beta 2. So maybe its been fixed. All pictures I take are in the correct orientation, and rotate to the correct orientation when I rotate the phone. I already said this in the previous post, but just wanted to reiterate it.
I reloaded KK BETA 3 and yes I do see that pictures now rotate correctly in the HTC album viewer.
The issue still is how the camera saves the source file (VERY important when sending pics from the phone to other sources. Just now I took two test shots of the same item one in portrait and on in landscape (how the camera onscreen controls layout). I viewed the pictures both through HT labum and by connecting my phone to my lapotp and viewing the files directly.
The one taken in landscape mode still comes out rotated 90 degrees.
This photo was taken hodling the phone landscape and clearly demonstrates what is happening.