Getting a new phone....but which one??
Hi all,
New here and need some advice badly....I currently Have a HTC P4000, and this phone has been a nightmare, and is a long story, but have decided too upgrade this beast too something newer.
I am with Telus in Canada, so I am on CDMA.
Basically the 3 phones I have narrowed it down too are the RIM BlackBerry Storm, HTC Touch Pro, and the Samsung Omnia i900. Reading all the reviews has left me at a stand still on these 3. The Samsung is the cheapest and newest (just released this week here).
Can you guys give me any feedback of which of these too get??
I know the Storm has some issues, but with the launch of the APPWorld, might be worth the odd bug, as it will still be much smoother than what I got.
HTC has left a bad taste in my mouth, but the touch PRO is 4 years newer than the P4000 and from what I hear got all those issues under control, I like the Sliding Keyboard, but it is not a necessity.
Samsung Looks good, has the best "stats", but is new here in I would need advice from the american counterparts on this one.
Like I said, the samsung is the cheapest by almost is not an issue, but if the HTC Touch Pro2 is coming soon, I may "tough" it out with the cheaper 1 for the time waiting for it....I was quite Dissapointed too hear the HD wasn't coming and the Pro2 Looks identical. Ultimatley I have a longer wait due too the fact I am on CDMA.
Sorry for the long post, and all comments are welcome.