Originally Posted by protomind
Does the battery life improve with this ROM?
I've watched my phone die twice now since flashing to Copper. The first time was my doing - wifirouter and updating a ton of drivers on a laptop through it. Thing that bothers me is that I had the TP plugged in to a charger at the time. It ended up getting way too hot and wouldn't take a charge for about 5 mins after I shut it all down. Guessing that Copper doesn't have No2Chem's battery tweaks, so that should be expected. Just hope I didn't damage the battery.
And that brings me to now. After recharging the phone, I found it dead again this morning. D'oh. Maybe the battery *is* toasted.
Other than that, I like the base 6.5 that this rom is starting with. I have a spare phone that I used w/wifi at home to play with Star, Phantom and JD's builds but til now I wasn't willing to walk around with it on my live phone. So far, I'm happy with the changes from 6.1 and my only concern right now is battery life, a few hangs when going from text to email and some menus are delayed. Only had to reset a few times and never when I was trying to take/make calls yet.
I will say as a former Mogul owner, I sure miss all the additional buttons + scroll wheel. I prefer that precise thumb control over screen flicks. Scroll bars are a little fussy when I am trying to one-handed scroll on the move. I would imagine coming builds will improve on this responsiveness and/or I can adjust screen sensitivity as well.
Looking forward to Mighty5!