Originally Posted by pljansma
Mike, I installed your ROM and thank you for all your hard work!!! I love the ROM, works great. I have one minor issue though. I have an Alltel HTC Touch Pro and I am trying to flash a new radio rom. I am trying to flash the Blackstone I have the hardspl and the phone security is unlocked, it appears to flash just fine, soft resets on its own and all. But it still says it has radio version 1.03.16F which is the factory installed radio the phone came with. I have Mighty Mike vers 4.16 installed by the way. Do you have any suggestions or am I just using the wrong radio and if so is there one better you'd recommend for an Alltel Touch Pro. Thanks again and take care Mike
I forgot to ask, are there certain radio's you can only use on an Alltel Touch Pro?