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Old 04-10-2009, 02:42 PM
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Re: 8 APR 09 - UPD 24: is online! - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's

Originally Posted by jucytec View Post
First off, Why would you need more than 42 Megs free? Most apps don't require more than 20...

but, making a stripped ROM isn't hard, you just need to know what you use...

You can pretty much NOT install certain SYS files, OEM Files, and grab a customized XIP...

For Example, I don't bother installing S2A as it eats up 10+ megs alone, I use PocketShield which eats up 900KB... much better than 10+ megs going to waste.

but there are tons of other apps you DON'T need especially if you don't use them. like WIndows Live, Voice Command... so on and so forth...
Yep. Don't load Windows Live or Voice Command, but Pocket Shield costs the moment I have nobe (as in less than $1, no paycheck until Tuesday or Wednesday).