Thread: Beta rom
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: Beta rom

Originally Posted by porkchop View Post
OK, I went over to Modaco and started to read. I read that if you don't do it perfect, you will brick your phone. I am such a noob, and now I am nervous. Is it something, I should just opt not to do?

I am not a newbie and have flashed my ROM before and I am waiting for the official release. I highly suggest anyone not 100% confortable with flashing ROMs do the same. Remember, this is a beta version of a leaked ROM. TYhere are likely to be bugs, and more importantly, likely to be changes when the official ROM comes out, meaning you will simply have to reflash all over again.

I do not begrudge those people who want to futz around with the leaked ROM and play with it, but unless cooking ROMs and playing with your phone's programming is your idea of fun, I would recommend just waiting.

The fact that this ROM even exists means that Verizon is working on getting it public, and the fact that it is now leaked simply means it is likely to come out officially sooner than before (think of it as if there are now hundreds more beta testers!).

Let the people who enjoy tinkering be your and my guinea pigs. I can live without GPS on my Google Maps for another month or two.
