Re: Attention all cooks chefs battery better on stock
this is really interesting; though i would have hypothesized that the stock rom had a lower draw and better battery life than most of the custom roms anyway -- all of the roms i've seen have experimental mods done (rhodium or win 6.5) and many of them have extra background processes (s2u2, flip-it, g-sensor, quickgps, etc). also i wonder if compressed cabs/manilla requires more power to utilize. lastly, if they are offereing 1% battery indicator, i'm sure they poll the battery more often, again drawing more power.
the benefit i see in the custom roms is that they employ faster battery charging techniiques as well.
i get about a 2 day charge on my phone -- was using grooverom, then intx, and now fufu and may switch again.
my only issues with most of these packed roms is that they lag a great deal. a lot of the lag may have to do with manila -- i am on a 6.5 rom without manila and it is really speedy (fufu 4.5)