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Old 04-10-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: JUICY 6 - Build 090406H (21042) [UC] *RHODIUM MANILA*

Yo Juicy few more things I've been checking out (woke up at like 3 to do a paper, stopped and been messing with copper ever since -_-):

I love the panels on the first screen, and just found out you can edit them using CHome, Titanium Customizer and a regediter. I figured you obviously have your own ideas, but I'm assuming no one would object to me saying you can probably remove the windows live panel in your final build along with some of the others (as some people probably dont even use this) or combine it with another panel. I'm personally thinking of making an Internet tab with Opera; Ie; and Youtube as the Pages, a Messaging tab with Txting and Email, Keeping the weather tab (Titanimium Weather), I made a Contacts Tab and I'm thinking about adding Pictures to the music tab and changing it to Multimedia, and putting Voicemail with messages too, totally removing the favorites.

I'm not sure how it will work, I'm gonna check it all out now but I think this'll compact alot of the more commonly used thing's into 5 or so panels and make it alot more convenient.

I'm also trying to find ways to move the programs around in the start menu, but there's probably some simple way of doing that. I suggest using the expanded start menu too if it causes no issues.

I'm sure you know most of this stuff but just some feedback from a juicy addict.
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