Originally Posted by xda2_haseeb
I have the whole WLM OEM, but it does bot have *.dll.mui files  it has only *.dll files  if u need tht i can upload tht
UPDATE: SORRY! for double posting  i didnt knew i was doing it 
I have a couple Windows Live CABs and OEMs, I was looking to swap MUI's to see if there is any change that is not being released by MS yet via the downloads. Namely being nosey.
Further more, I am going to attempt something off the wall, just because, I am going to see if "21500" can be built with the Titan. It will probably fail, but what have I got to loose? Off I go to play while yet another virus scan runs on my PC's.....The only thing I haven't wiped on these things is the BIOS...I am installing MSDOS 6 this weekend, and reminding Windows of how a format is SUPPOSED to be done....I hope