Originally Posted by Hafrust
Agreed...very well said. But, I still enjoy tinkering with Titanium and playing around with different modifications to it, even if they may be short lived.
Absolutely! Playing around with new stuff is hellafun... that's why I'm a developer IRL - lol
My rant was just because I was seen a ton of people complaining about how sparse 6.5 is and wanting to know why the panels don't do stuff they want it to, etc.
Originally Posted by pidge
OK, i've read the last 5 pages and I've seen the subjects of speed and UI come up several times but no mention of battery life. Has that improve any?
I started up the battery logger just a little bit ago and left my phone to sit. I have it set to automatically receive emails from exchange at work and checks my gmail every 30 min. I also have the Titanium Weather app checking the weather every 30 min. I'm using the 1.11 radio.
Here's a copy of the log. I have nothing to compare it to though...