Ok, I will try posting again-
my phone is in bootloader and says:
here is what I did:
I unlocked a Vogue with the non-gps unlocker (SPL-0.41.Coke)
then I loaded a GPS rom onto the phone (OMJ 3.09)
and now it is stuck at the HTC Screen.
I then tried to flash a stock ROM to the phone, but as descreibed above it will not fully load- it stops at 29 percent- tried it a couple times.
I then tried the OMJ 3.09 again and it still stuck in HTC Screen, and says "No radio.'
I am trying to figure out what to do. I was told by someone to load a GPS radio into it and see if it boots. I have the radio to install but not sure if thats best bet.
I was told by someone else to install nongps radio and then install a nongps rom.
One concern I have is that I will brick my phone that way (if i try to downgrade to a nongps radio after installing a gps rom...but im not sure that the gps rom actually installed a gps radio or not cuz my phone was only .41 unlocked)
Also, I cant seem to install a stock rom because it stops at 29 percent.
Any ideas?