Originally Posted by steinerd
yes I did, I have had the problem off and on with using .wma files as ringers. .wav always works but it seems that .wma are hit and miss for me from kitchen to kitchen. it really was not that big of a deal for me once i figured out the work around. but I'm sure you are like me and would like all to work as advertised if it's your product.
I just was never able to put my finger on a .dll or reg entry that was causing the problem. I assume that you touch them from time to time due to the inconsistancy of my ringer from kitchen to kitchen.
If you have not already found it I am sure you will, and if the problem flares up for me again I am glad to shoot you my build. I don't insert anything external to your posted kitchen when building, so maybe it will help if this really becomes a thorn in your side.
If that's the case, then the problem looks to be the tweak from Diamond Tweak to reduce ring delay, which I've included in my Tweaks file for a while