Originally Posted by pharoah35
Hey Mike/LilRico Thanks for this release, as always looking forward to give it a shot.
Looks great.. I do have one question and hopefully if it was already asked and answered i'll be forgiven (this time)..lol
This newest build you have of 21500, If this a real build? I ask because there's post in our community that suggest that it may be fake.. (please don't shoot the messenger)
You Forgot about Juicy!!!! Damn man, Juicy you Fricken Rock.
Originally Posted by Cobaltikus
has anyone else had any PIM Backup issues?
I am trying to restore my contacts etc. using the latest Pim Backup program and it seems to be stuck at ... wait it just finished.
MAN that took a LONG time to restore.
It has never taken this long on any of the many roms I've flashed.
Oh well.
If anyone else tries to restore and thinks it may have frozen somehow, just give it a few more minutes.
Is this consistent with others or was it just a fluke? no matter, answer if you feel like it.
mine freaked out for a couple min.s when i first restored my contacts and again when i got into my sms folder but then started acting like normal
Originally Posted by scottmail
Is Voice Command in this rom? If not what version would work best for it?
look below, other members have reported problems, but they also say it does work with Bluetooth.
Originally Posted by Young_breedent
It's waaaaaaay more responsive, it's waaaay faster and there is less stuff (meaning programs) installed in the rom therefore lessing the chance of running into small bugs. I would HIGHLY recommend trying this rom
I couldnt agree with you more my friend.
Originally Posted by ace741
Is there a way to organize what programs you use most frequently like TF3D has? The new Start Menu is nice but having to hunt through all the programs you have installed for ones you use commonly is a little of a pain. TIA
Tap and hold my freind!
This Rom is Awsome Juicy/Mike you guys oooober Rock.