Customizing WM 6.5..
I thought with all the new kitchen's and rom dropping with WM6.5 we could start a thread about customizing the today page to our liking. Things like remapping buttons and changing default programs that launch. Anyone interested.
I'll start. I have edited some of the shortcuts so when they are cooked into a rom or dropped into the windows folder in a cooked rom it will change the default contacts to iContacts and the Calendar to Pocket Informant.
I would just like to contribute something to the mix....
Just drop them in to the baseapps folder and cook.
The addrbook.lnk assumes you have cooked iContacts into your rom (it looks in the windows folder for the .exe). The Calendar assumes you installed Pocket Informant via .cab.
You will still need to remap the softkeys to your liking...
Feel free to close this thread if no one feels it's useful.