Originally Posted by joshkeller77
LOL, you must not flash very often. This stuff takes a minute to do, most of us have flashed and tinkered for months if we were to stack the time end to end.
It is not so tough if you are running a custom rom. Plus these are EXTRA steps for Valhalla people who cannot lock.
You are right that it is better running Sprint for a lot of reasons, only downside for me is coverage. If Sprint's coverage was decent on the West Coast I would change in a minute. I had them for the first few weeks out here and lost a million calls; since their coverage map hasn't changed since then, no reason to switch. I wish I could have the 99 everything plan.
Honestly, i'm too afraid to flash my phone. I know, i know....i spend a lot of time on this forum and i'm lame. However, good coverage map or not, i work at radioshack so i get unlimited everything for 20 bucks a month