Originally Posted by Causality
It's obvious this thread is going nowhere good. I'm sorry there is an innate sensitivity regarding people's kitchens but the point wasn't anything to do with JD, his ROM, or his effort in the creation (seriously people???). My assumption was the tone pack that came with the Sprint 6.5 base was just that - an OEM base pack and for the record... It sucks...
there is a sensitivity as these chefs spend hours, and days creating their projects and are their "babies". like has been said by me and others before, they do this stuff for free, sometimes not even accepting donations. so there is room to be a little sensitive about their work.
and yes you are correct, the tones that are in the 6.5 are an oem. like most people, i create my own ringtones, as i like my phone to be a little different.
if i was able to flash to an alltel rom, i would be more than happy to help you. yet, as i do not have alltel, i cant to this for you. i have extracted the tones from a vz rom and a sprint rom to create my own oems for a ROM build from a kitchen, and it takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. so this is easily done, and if you or anybody did this, i know that they would be more than happy to share their information with you. just ask nicely and you shal recieve...

...i know thats what you are trying to do, but since there are sooooo many people who like soooooo many different things in their ROMS, some of this stuff is a needle in a haystack.
Originally Posted by Causality
you post a few quips to lighten the mood, your ****ting in a thread, and off topic to boot. If you're on-point direct and serious, you're a problem too. Lesson learned? Don't introduce humor to help anyone by being friendly AND try not to respectful, courteous, and direct - 'cause then you're mean and unfriendly...
Way to be, seriously.
no offense, but way to be what? there is plenty of humor in these forums. it might be a little off topic at times, yes, but thats how we get so many great ideas, creations, and variations on here. you have to be a little off topic. the only time ive seen a thread being off topic as a problem is the new Touch Pro Led mod, and that was people joking that there was a cab to do the modifications.
once you hang around the site enough you will learn the flow and the "standard" way a lot of people act. this is a forum, so there are different people brought together by a common subject.
im not trying to be harsh, but sometimes a little patience brings a lot......