Re: new radio 1.07.06f
I've had the 1.07 for over a day. So, not much time to really test everything.
But, I grabbed the phone fully charged and watched about 30-40 minutes of youtube. And of course, very, very warm and took about half of my battery. Now I always run that test with the others as well. But 1.07 probably warmed my phone as much as 1.11F. Telus 1.04 being the least with warmth..
I am starting to think it doesn't matter what I am experiencing. We all have different phone reactions with the same radios but have different configurations. Some of these positive reaction are near my area but have a different ROM or different tweak.
The only way to be completely satisfied is doing the tests on your own. But have a strategic method as well as being consistent.
These posts, personally influence my desicions some what. I read a positive comment and think that could be me. But I get the exact opposite. Not a bad thing, just sayin...
Last edited by MiltonPro; 04-08-2009 at 11:14 AM.