Re: Awesome 6.5 Upgrade News?!?!?
good thing is you're not getting resets...
To format to fat32 you need a card reader for your computer. Then you go into My Computer, right click on the sd card, then select format and choose fat32... full format, not quick format. You'll lose everything tho... so make a back up first.
the .nbh file IS the ROM... the other files in the folder are what assist you to flash it from the computer. It must be called VOGUIMG.nbh and put onto your sd card, in NO folders. Then when you put it in your phone, manually go into bootloader (power Camer resetpin) and it will find the file and ask you to press power to update/flash.
you should install the dcd carrier cab... if you have sprint, i've attached it below for you. put it on your phone and run it, that may be able to help you get data.
If I helped ya or If you like my work, I don't want donations, I don't want coffee, but a simple THANKS would do the trick! 