Originally Posted by joshkeller77
I would back everything up (not by imaging eg.Sprite, etc) and hard reset.
Follow this and you will be fine:
Downgrade bootloader using nue-relocker, downgrade to Verizon pre-GPS rom 2.09.605.8, upgrade bootloader using nue2.47, upgrade to radio 3.42.50, upgrade to DCD 3.26, upgrade to Telus aGPS settings using QPST and my Telus cab.
My signature on all my posts has links most of the stuff from above (relocking instrux and downloads for nueRelocker and VZW preGPS ROM are in the wiki from first link, and the rest is self-explanatory).
JoshKeller, I am having a helluva time trying to get aGPS working. I have tried the above to step by step and still not getting any locks at all. I have tried several other things as well.
My next effort is attempting to upgrade to Stock Verizon MR2 rom, then use the Valhalla GPS Server. The only problem is the link to the cab is down. I cant find it anywhere. Could you post a link to the Valhalla cab download so I can try MR2 to get my aGPS back?
Also, does the valhalla cab include all the necessary settings for aGPS on verizon? It looks like you just install the cab, and soft-reset to get aGPS working.
Thanks for any help and suggestions. Oh, I am willing to host the files on my own personal server. I hate deadlinks.. LOL.
OH, one more question... when I upgrade to MR2, I need to cancel the customizations correct? I have been so far.