Originally Posted by ehbob
Like I said, I just went into Programs > Task Manager and closed opera9.exe. Since that was off, my battery life was tons better. Its been 9 hours and I'm at 60%, thats with email/15-20 texts/and 20-30 minutes of calls.
I've opened opera several times during the 9 hours and it closes when I 'x' out (meaning it doesn't stay on in task manager). Opera9.exe seems to run in the background when you boot up, so just close it/kill it and see if your results are similar...
Even with my skepticism about opera9.exe, it doesnt answer my actual questions that I posted. Mostly, how do I keep it from running automatically? Also, why would you and I have this issue with opera9.exe running on its own and all of these others not have it? It defies logic.
Surely the answer is out there.