Re: How to Customize a Custom Rom: Adding/Removing Programs
hey guys I have a question about building an OEM.. For example, I'd like to make a package from a cab I have for a clock. I made one for MMS Arcsoft already and it asked location, so I picked the "programs" option and it made some settings referencing the windows folder, however, when I did the Clock cab, I saw no such place where it would be installed. If the OEM folder was made, and I dropped it into the kitchen OEM that it? It should just get installed? My second question is......Is it true that any cab, no matter if it is a registry setting, clock, etc. can be used for an OEM? or do they have to be an "application/program"?
*edit* I was just given the cab2oem prog and it works great so far!
Last edited by reigndropz; 04-08-2009 at 12:00 AM.