Originally Posted by ehbob
Like I said, I just went into Programs > Task Manager and closed opera9.exe. Since that was off, my battery life was tons better. Its been 9 hours and I'm at 60%, thats with email/15-20 texts/and 20-30 minutes of calls.
I've opened opera several times during the 9 hours and it closes when I 'x' out (meaning it doesn't stay on in task manager). Opera9.exe seems to run in the background when you boot up, so just close it/kill it and see if your results are similar...
that's strange. I just opened Opera, then opened the task manager and Opera9.exe was running. then I ran a through a couple websites, closed opera, then looked again in the task manager and opera9.exe is not there. This leads me to believe that Mike is using the opera real exit registry edits already. plus you can tell by the memory going down to previous levels that its closing properly.