Originally Posted by highlife22
Try this one
you are a hero, it worked perfectly.
any suggestions on the best page pool for sms messages/ keyboard and typing? (i.e. no freezes or lagging - delay in bringing up the keyboard etc)
i had some serious issues with that stupid keyboard lag and sip freeze for the persisted over the last 4 flashes over the course of 3 months. im so sick of it... i so today i went to stock... let customizations run, did the clear storage hard reset... then i let customizations run again... cleared storage the button way... then i let customizations run... then flashed to this ROM and did my final hard reset.
now i just want to maximize the texting ability of my phone.. its hard enough on a touch screen as is, so im hoping by changing the page pool it won't lag as much on the 6.5 interface =]
thanks for all your help!