I have an issue here maybe.... I've been using the last "Kitchen" since Dec., radio upgrade, and Verizon GPS hack with no problems. A week or 2 ago my phone starts resetting itself randomly and I finally called Verizon tech support (This is a brand new phone I got in December 200
and they recommended that I upgrade my phones firmware (Flashing my phone basically to MR1 or MR2 rom basically).....yes, flashing my phone !!!!
I was having the same issue with my GPS at about the same time but it wasn't that important at the time as opposed to have a phone that worked.
This was the site they sent me to get the rom to flash my phone with:
I flashed to "MR2" and phone seemed to work fine minus all the a nice goodies that came with the "kitchen" but the new issue is that I can't use my GPS anymore.
What do I do at this point to get my GPS back and still use MR2 rom ?