Originally Posted by rileyd5
yes, it's in phone>menu>options>services tab>network service>get settings>no clue which one to pick but Mr Obvious will probably let us know soon enough. I wondered by the way what all these settings do, automatic A, B, Standard? no clue.
I'm running MightyROM 4.8, and to get your phone into 1X data mode, first change this registry:
"HiddenModeOperationPage" change 1 to 0
Now, as rileyd5 pointed out, navigate to:
phone>menu>options>services tab>Mode of Operation>Get Settings... and choose 1X only
those are both off i just know my signal goes in and out at work it sucks. hmmmm will i still get calls in 1x?
Yes, you will absolutely get all your calls in 1X mode. No worries!
Hope that helps.