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Old 04-07-2009, 10:26 AM
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Re: [ Mar 10 \ OS 5.2.21028 v4.5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.5, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by egriffin View Post
Sailrace, whats up with your ringer and SIP problems? I've been running 21042 with the TP 2 manila witout a hitch. Maybe your kitchen download was corrupted? Seems like most of us are not having your problems. Maybe better luck with RC 5, lol.
I can't seem to figure it out either. I haven't done anything strange, and haven't cooked anything strange unless there is some conflict with the new modules and using the original Manila engine.

The big issue is the ringer problem. When i do a fresh flash, it seems to ring just fine (and i use the Generic 3 ringer, always). Then when i use activesync and sync to my exchange and everything loads up, the ringer stops giving any audible feedback. The screen comes on, my S2A screen shows up, and it flashes like it's ringing, but there is no sound.

I only seem to be able to get it to work with 21028. I'm going to try the new kitchen when it comes out, but for now....i'm stuck here.
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