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Old 04-07-2009, 07:03 AM
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Exclamation Re: $3.65 + Registry Hack = TV Out

Originally Posted by GoodGets View Post
I have the cable that's linked in the OP

Word to the wise:
Be sure to push the iPod cable ALL THE WAY into the htc adapter, so you don't spend 40 min of life necessarily troubleshooting something that isn't wrong.

I thought I had it in all the way, but only the sound would come through, no vid. Played with all the settings, looked through the regisitry, couldn't figure it out. Damn brain farts.
BEFORE YOU FORCE YOUR CABLE IN get a regular set of headphones and MAKE SURE that the metal part of the cable that goes into the headphone jack hole is EXACTLY the same size on both cables. There are cables out there that look like the one we need, and will fit mostly, but with longer ends so they don't go in all the way (I know because I have one and it doesn't work) and forcing them in could potentially damage the adapter, depending on how much force is involved of course.

The correct cable should fit nicely without trouble.
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