i emailed the it department at my school, and someone wrote back and said he had no idea (and this is a 25k/year school). The problem is, the logins have nothing to do with gmail, so logging into the email account with gmail settings will get me into my personal gmail account (it is the same account name, and password). When I use mymail.nyit.edu, it sends one email. doesn't forward new ones, just one, about something that i needed a few months ago. but i can't send anything. its really weird because i never got this email in my actual email box. I have no idea why.
i know that a lot of universities use gmail now, and was wondering if anyone else knew how to get this to work right with windows mobile.
i found this school uses the same email setup i believe... its not making a whole lot of sense to me though, in using anything from this for my problem.