wow i can't believe this is happenning to you... hmmm... try downloading the official release from htc's site... assuming you have sprint
maybe you broke the reset pin under the phone... i can't understand why that would happen. Do the official update i linked to you and if it still happens, then your phone has gone defective. If it stops happening, try to reflash to 6.5... you can just take it in and get a new one
its not ur fault at all, sometimes things happen.
Last resort, you could format your 2 gig or smaller sd card to FAT32 format, take ONLY the RUU_singed.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh and put it in the ROOT of your sdcard, not in any folders. Then when you put the sdcard in and go into bootloader (power+camer+resetpin), it will load the ROM and as you to flash it.
I use sd method cuz i have a Mac computer and it works great.