Originally Posted by n8mack33
Sorry if I missed this somewhere in this enormous thread, but I can't make it to Step 2. It lauches BuildOS, I select my selections, hit the green go button, it does its thing, and then says done at the bottom, and nothing else happens. The cmd window continues to show Step 1 of 7 and nothing else happens.
I am running XP. Anyone know what is causing this?
Just close BuildOS and the .bat file will run the other 6 steps.
After choosing the options in BuildOS, I click the play button, and get an error in temp/dump/windows.mobile.dll(not exact filename, but close) already exists. I click ok, and go about the flash as normal, but I'm having trouble getting the phone to boot up now. I thought it may be because I was trying out a 6.5 sys, but it is giving me the same error on 21042.