Originally Posted by authenticsketch
i know you people treat people who dont know something but but please make an exception for me...
What do you mean by that? How do we treat people who don't know something? This is a pretty friendly board...
every time i tether using internet sharing my battery dies like its not charging at the same time i am running the juicy rom previous to the one out now... is there a fix
I'm not sure about your issue, since I do not really tether, but sometimes, from what I hear, when the TP gets too hot, it will stop charging. Try to kee the keyboard out while you tether, it might help dissipate the heat.
You could try to look for and install "No2chem FastCharge battery driver" and see if that might help your situation.
I think many people have had to replace their phone because of those battery problems. I don't think it's a problem with Juicy's rom, but more of a problem with the phone itself.