Originally Posted by Masterface7
I say you are crazy. I do not have the insurance plan and do not pay 7 dollars a month but when ever my touch breaks i just walk into the sprint service and repair shop pay 50 dollars and get a new/refurb touch, what ever is available. So if someone could tell me why pay 7 dollars a month when you still have to pay to get your phone fixed.
If you pay the $7 a month, you can take your phone to a repair store and have it repaired or replaced for Free!. I have had 1 6700 and 3 Touches replaced for free at the repair store. without insurance you would have paid $200, $50 each time. Also paying the $7 gives you the Replacement Program, i.e. if you lose you're phone or it's stolen, you can pay $50( soon to be $100) and get a replacement. I don't think you can walk in to a repair store without a phone with no insurance, and walk out with a new one for $50, I may be wrong.