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Old 04-06-2009, 09:18 AM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by iTEK View Post
I, for one, would much rather it stay, especially if its the new TeleNav... don't most have unlimited data plan these days? I know I'm just one person, but I love having it there, whenever I DO need it. (rarely, but it has saved my @$$ a couple of times...) Much more useful than lots of stuff, but jmo...

RSTG, check your PM too... guess no attachments in PM... just stuck it here for now...
I didn't think that many used it. My goal was to get the rom down to 50megs free after flash, for users to install their stuff and e-mail and what not.

The start menu I'll look at today, it seems like there are some missing items. But input is GOOD!
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