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Old 04-06-2009, 02:44 AM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by maxvolt View Post
Another freakin Palm OS loser. I had a palm TREO and i am Happier than pigs in sh*t to be with my XV6800...this guy is full of cr@p...write him off as being just another doodee in the proverbial toilet bowl of palm users.
I love my diamond, but he's right about palm. I still have my T3 and it's much faster in all respects. As a straight business tool the palm is hands down the winner based on speed and ease of use. I think the main reason is that the PalmOS roots are based on 16mhz processors and a few K of ram. The OS and apps were developed on a shoestring budget performance wise and so that efficiency continued when processors and ram jumped. Of course winmo is more feature packed, but the fact remains that winmo and its apps are typically much more bloated than palmos.
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