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Old 09-04-2007, 10:44 PM
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For those with severe skipping issues, try this:

1) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings
Bitpool 58
MaxSupportedBitPool 128
UseJointStereo 2

Hint: write down old settings if you want to go back

2) Soft Reset
3) Make sure your headset is paired
4) Go into BT Settings then devices and press and hold on your Stereo headset device and choose "Set as Wireless Stereo"
5) If it still skips, go back into BT Settings and uncheck "Turn on Bluetooth", hit OK
6) Go back into BT settings again, and check "Turn on Bluetooth" (for some reason using Cycle BT or using the Comm manager to cycle the BT doesn't seem to work for me)
7) then do step 4 again.

It will usually be solid once you get no skipping, and it will last all day or until you pair a different BT headset.

Lastly, the BT and Wifi share the same antenna. There is no way as far as I know to have BT and Wifi on simultaneously without a skipping issue.

One more thing, this is not my work, I read it somewhere on another forum, and unfortunately I can't give the right person credit for the work, because I don't remember who figured it out
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