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Old 04-05-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: ...RSTG Custom Rom -=- Rhodium_v1D v3.R1.09 FuzeBerry II 4/5/09

Originally Posted by topperharley829 View Post
Still having trouble getting the soft right key from camera to programs - I did as you said rstoyguy and I have the key saying programs but then I get an error when I hit it - I think I may have the path wrong - I havent been able to find it anywhere. Suggestions?

Other then that all else is really smooth. Liking it.
I know it's a TF3D thing, and the registry entries are there, but they may not work for Rhodium. Check the link in post #4, the rom will only do what xbmod fixes...

Originally Posted by bugzy View Post
im having issues with Start menu not showing, when i hit Start button, nothing happens
My start menu works just fine, both of them. Hit the icon and you get quickmenu, hit the text and you get the old fashioned stuff.

If that didn't solve it, the I need to know what program your in, or what tab your on. If I can duplicate it, I can fix it. The new rom I just posted should fix most fixable issues.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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