This is what makes me crazy angry about Microsoft's current deployment of WinMo.
All of the best demos of WM6.5 have all been performed on existing hardware:
The real reason for making a stink, from their perspective, is they want more branding power (the Windows key). They want their "white earbuds" if you will.
From a button perspective, there's no difference between the current "home" key, and what the Windows key will do. They just want a different picture. Because of the picture HTC used on the key, Microsoft will most likely NOT pressure carriers to provide updates.
For this round they'll be more than happy to sit back and let the laziness of the cell carriers prevent updates from being sent to capable hardware. The carriers are more than happy to have new software to pimp, as this will mean more phone sales (theoretically).
It's moves like this that make me consider the Pre or Android. I'd never go iPhone, but even the EDGE iPhone is still getting updates.
There are some minor issues with the TP1.
Sites like this fix them, but NO official carrier updates in the US? Really?