Scott, with you cleaned up Rev A kitchen, you might make me flash again. However, I do have a couple of questions.
1) Does the IE6 Beta have Flash Lite built in, or do I add it from the SSK folder in Documents
2) The EXTRAS, if I burn them, do the go to main memory, or did you put them on the SD card
3) Is the Mobile Matt Manila from Fuzeberry 1 for the Standard TouchFlo, or Fuzeberry 2 for the Rhodium TP2
4) Did you clean up the Rhodium Manila and include the latest, or is it the same one that was in the previous kitchen?
5) I assume you fixed that entry that gave an error from the last kitchen
6) TouchFlo 3.029946.53 is that the little app in the System Folder
7) FYI S2U2 is up to 1.62

How is the Sprint Comm Manager different from the standard one, and can I use it with Verizon
10) You say OS 21042 is "Updated" Is it updated for the REV A kitchen, or is the update from an earlier time. To me, all the OS's seem to be about the same. Is there any reason I should choose a particular one with the new kitchen?
11) You said you were going to fix my problem leaving the SD card in when I flash. Did that get accomplished or should I remove the SD card before flashing?
I am going to be using the Rhodium manilla. However, I'm thinking about adding that after flashing to make changing it easier so I don't have to re-flash when they come out with fixes. If so, what manilla should I choose as a "base".
Also, what's your recommendation...burn it into the ROM or follow my previous statement.