Originally Posted by rawdog805
Have had my Diamond for a week now and can say that the programs that my Top 5...
#1 - Dont Touch Me (Car alarm for Phones) I got a nosy *** wife...
#2 - WunderRadio (love being able to listen to just about any Radio Station in the world)
#3 - InCallRecorder (Record My wife because she likes to deny that she said stuff)
#4 - WinMobile Torrent (For my Torrent downloads on the go)
#5 - Touch InCall Screen Tweak (shuts screen of when placed up to ear)
EDIT- May have to remove Touch In Call Screen Tweak.. Just got a call and it blacked out the screen, and then somehow only my Taskbar was visible after I hung up...
OK Have to drop Winmobile Torrent down to #6, and add
AEBPlus in its #4 position... Ability to change functions of the Hard Keys is a beautiful thing..