Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M
Originally Posted by Asphyx
What I would like to see instead is a Mighty ROM (4.16?) with everything EXCEPT the TF3D installed as a sort of test platform for those of us who want to play with TF3D2.
Right now my only issues with TF3D2 on Mighty are memory related and thats not because the ROM is memory intensive it's just that the TF3D2 files take up a lot of memory (although the CFC version helps that) and we already lose some memory because of the old TF3D taking up memory in the ROM.
If we had a full mighty rom without TF3D we could install/uninstall the new TF3D2 versions as XBMod releases them and keep the memory usage down a bit.
I think that's asking a lot for him to make a special version just for the crippled verizon phone. Memory is not an issue for everyone else.
Last edited by razorloves; 04-05-2009 at 02:45 AM.
Reason: spelling