Originally Posted by pierhogunn
I think you may have better luck if you
1. change the name of the .nbh file to raphimg.nbh
2. send the file to your SD card loaded in your touch pro
3. hold down the volume down button + hold down the power button
4. hit the reset button while still holding down the buttons
5. let the thing reboot, while holding down the buttons
6. when it asks if you want to flash the phone, hit the power button to say yes
7. take your phone with you to get some coffee/beer/beverage of your choice
8. enjoy your mighty-phone
you have just flashed the phone from the SD card, independent of your computer.
Hell, you could even go so far as to download the mightyrom to your phone over your 3G connection, unpack it, rename it ( still on your phone) and copy the file to your flash card...
that is how I flash my phone now, I don't even need my PC to do it
been doing that since MightRom 4.10
Well I have done all that and I get the red green blue and white screen and it has no option to flash.... I am not sure but the first blink of the screen say no file... So what should I do?? the mighty rom file has been changed to raphimg and still isint working and its in my root file of my sd card... Please I have been trying this for the last 2 days I am soooo damn close!!!