Originally Posted by TaylorSPJ
we did not cook in the new start menu....personally i think it looks horrible and no use when u can just slide your finger to the programs tab....just as easy.....fm radio is not cooked in and will not be, you can install via cab if you want it. For the issue on adding a new contact i wasnt aware of the problem since i usually just add contacts from my phone pad....it does use the new contact card that way, but not sure y you cant through th3d2...will take a look into that....again more support can be found on the actuall thread on SPJ, and I really would like to have issues regarding the rom and not tf3d2, and we are currently making a new build with final rhodium from xboxmod....thanks for taking the time to flash ATR and i hope you guys stay with it until all kinks are worked out.....
Another great job, everything seems to be working great for me.