Originally Posted by Mattemer
Thanks! I had tried with Titanium Customizer on the last build, and no dice, but maybe i'll be more successful this time. And CHOME is what i was looking for, knew there was something. Thanks groove! Hopefully this M$ thing will blow over. I know everyone's fingers are crossed.
CHomeConfig does not function as expected with 6.5 because it was designed for APIs in 6.1
It will make changes to the registry, but not ones that are being used by CHome in current builds.
I say this because as much as I've heard people ask about customizing Titanium, I don't think I've heard anyone say just this. In the next couple days I hope to find some time to write a new app, designed for a touch interface, to leverage all the variables I'm aware of at this time. I'll be creating a new thread and I'll link to it from here.